Friday, January 22, 2010

My apologies, I have been a bad blogger lately

I find myself feeling guilty. Seriously? Yes, seriously. I started this blog just over a month ago, and I already have 50 followers. I started off strong, blogging consistently, making bloggy friends, and being a fairly committed commenter.

If you have been reading my blog, you know that my Rosebuds have been giving me a hard time lately. I have finally gotten Baby B weaned off of the Swaddler. She is still using the pacifier, but she is able to get it in her mouth on her own. Now, the poor baby is cutting her first two teeth! Miss H is also having a tough time lately, and has been needing some extra attention from Mama.

Because of all this, I have not been able to dedicate the amount of time that I would like to my writing and commenting. And for this, I apologize. I am working on getting a schedule down and am going to try to prepare several posts on Sunday to publish throughout the week.

I enjoy blogging more than I ever thought I would, so I am dedicated to making time for it. And I promise, I will be back to visiting you all soon.

Happy Weekend!



kBw said...

It is more than understandable :) I hope you have a lovely weekend full of blessings.

xo, KA

Unknown said...

You are just so sweet! Of course your children come 1st. You'll find bloggers to be a very forgiving bunch! Go tend to your kiddos. We'll still be here when you come back!

God bless!