Monday, June 11, 2012

Eating more veggies and shopping local

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to eat and cook more real food and less processed junk. One way that I tried to do this was to eat two servings of fruit and vegetables with each meal. Y'all? That is way harder than it sounds! Before this challenge I was lucky if I ate two servings of vegetables a day.

So I started buying more produce at my grocery store. But I found myself buying the same things every week, and not enough to last the week. I also started reading about how long produce from grocery stores takes to get from the field to my store. It's a long time.

A friend of mine told me about a local farm that offered a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) option for produce, meat, and eggs. After crunching the numbers, we decided to take the plunge and ordered a medium share of produce and a monthly meat variety.

First week CSA bounty
Doesn't it look fabulous? I got eight beautiful tomatoes, green and yellow zucchini, sugar snap peas, green beans, and sweet potatoes. So far the kids have been devouring the peas. They weren't interested at first, but when I showed them how to open up the pods to find the peas inside, they thought it was a cool game.

This week I am planning to make zucchini bites, which are kind of like tater tots but with zucchini, and probably a zucchin bread too. I haven't decided how I will cook the green beans yet, and I am going to make sweet potato chips. I'm hoping that I can convince the kids to eat veggie snacks instead of their usual junk. Here's hoping!


Liz Mays said...

I can't help but think the flavor will be so much better this way!

KLZ said...

I've been meaning to do this too!

Do you have a good sweet potato chip recipe?