Thursday, March 25, 2010

Yo Tweeps!

Everyone is doing it....I'm a sucker for peer pressure and this just looks like fun. I am relatively new to the twitter game, so I am joining in with SupahMommy to try to increase my twitter twaffic!

1. Follow me on twitter . Click on my twitter Icon below.

2. Shout me a hello on twitter like so: @erinroseberry #yotweeps I'm following! Then I'll know you followed and I'll reciprocate.

3. Want more tweeps? Grab the YO Tweeps Button. Click on the button at the top of this post to get it!

4. Place it on your blog. This helps to BRAND the Exchange so that it is recognizable.

5. Put a twitter icon / link on your blog post.

6. Link that post up over at one of the hosts' blogs.(Click on the YoTweeps button to find one of them!)

7. Visit some other YO Tweeps linkers on the list.

8. Follow them if you choose and shout out to them on twitter that you did.



The Princess of Sarcasm said...

Thanks for playing YoTweeps with us! You rock!! :)


Unknown said...

Hey- I so need to learn the Twitter thing- maybe next week :-) As for cauliflower (did I spell that right) anyway I have a super good cheesy thing I do with it- I'll send it your way sometime :-)

Juliana said...

I need to get on this bandwagon!!

I am now following you from MBC/FFF and I hope you will come by and follow back as well!

Hattie said...

I'm following now!