Saturday, May 15, 2010

Didn't I Feed You Yesterday? A Book Review

Recently, I was given the opportunity to read Laura Bennet's (of Project Runway fame) book Didn't I Feed You Yesterday? A Mother's Guide to Sanity in Stilletos. This book could not have found me at a better time since I nearly lost my mind a few weeks ago (which you can read about here.) Didn't I Feed You Yesterday is a hilarious look inside the lives of Laura, her husband, and their brood of six children (five of whom are boys) all living together in a two bedroom Manhattan loft.

Among all the craziness that comes along with raising children, Laura maintains her sanity, her identity, and her style. One of her secrets to staying sane is booking herself a dentist appointment to take time for herself. When I read that, I was reminded of how I tend to put myself last, and that I need to do a better job of taking care of me.

She also writes about listening to a flight attendant instruct her during pre-flight to place the oxygen mask on herself first before assisting small children. If you aren't surviving, you won't be able to take care of your kids either. It makes total sense, and yet, I continually make the mistake of doing the opposite. I try to help my kids before I can breathe myself.

Another area of my life where I tend to struggle is with my sense of style. I find myself reaching for the same pair of jeans and t-shirt day in and day out. Laura writes that style is "about making a conscious decision to present yourself to the world in a particular manner." I found it admirable that she is able to get dressed up everyday and I made it my mission to break out of the mommy-style rut.

I loved reading this book. Laura has an easy, conversational writing style and the chapters are more of a collection of short stories which makes it easy to put down and pick back up. Didn't I Feed You Yesterday? is a must read for any mom who feels like she may be getting sucked under!

I was given a copy of Didn't I Feed You Yesterday by the author, Laura Bennett. I was not compensated in any way for this review. These are my opinions only.


1 comment:

Liz Mays said...

You make it sound great! I'm glad you read it at the perfect time too.